Monday, June 28, 2010

The Family of my Roommate

Last night I went to my Egyptian roommates (Enas) brother's graduation party from the Egyptian Maritime Academy. I was kind of nervous to meet her family because I figured it might be awkward if they did not understand my Arabic or vise versa. It was a little awkward when we first arrived because Enas left me and other American girls alone with her cousin as we waited for a taxi. His name was Raaid and he is from upper Egypt so the dialect he spoke in really differed from what I have been used to. I wanted to laugh out loud for the first twenty minutes or so that I was alone with him because it was probably the most awkward encounter I have had with an Egyptian man here so far. Eventually he loosened up and we ended up talking more throughout the evening.

Enas's family was so amazing and I am so glad I got to meet them. All of her family was at the ceremony except for her youngest brother and stepmother who are still back in Kuwait. It was a whole lot of fun and I found it really funny because even though I kept asking her younger brother and sister to speak in Arabic they insisted at speaking in English because they wanted to correct their language. After the ceremony we all went out to eat and were out until about 1 am. I just wanted to write about it because for some unknown reason it was probably one of the best nights I have had out in Egypt so far and it wasn't even with Americans. I am really thankful for my roommate because she is really helpful with my language and making me feel welcome. I am hoping to an Egyptian wedding at the beginning of July and see all of Enas's family there.


  1. sunia! we love your blog. abu, ammi, salman and me were reading through your posts. can you update more of your pictures, or maybe even post them online and send them to me? we miss you.. we just called but you didn't pick up!

    the cruise was great, we drove 17 hours last night back to cleveland from orlando. we are all SO. DARK, from sitting in the sun at the beaches. it was a great trip.

    love you sis-taw!


  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. K dunno why that post was deleted ^^ but it said:

    :) Love you sunia!

